Archive | September 2013

pregnant Ladies, want taller healthier babies? drink your milk ;)

Well it may come as no surprise as to what we already know in regards to the health benefits of drinking milk. An article published on the daily mail 2 weeks ago based on a longitudinal study by nutrition experts from Iceland,Denmark and America concluded that mothers who drank an average 150 ml of milk per day during pregnancy tended to produce taller and healthier babies. The babies in the study were followed up nearly 20 years later and were taller than their peers and had less chances of having type 2 diabetes. Well this sure is good news and according to daily mail, the study echoes another study published this year which linked higher consumption of milk and high IQ level. Of course with all research its always good to take it with a pinch of salt and to also consider other factors which may play a role such as genetics. I for example i’m petite however my husband is over 6″1 tall and both our girls are tall. and the way they are going they will both be taller than me sooner than i can say ‘go to your room’ I did drink a lot milk in pregnancy but i also took vitamins etc and lets not forget we serve a good God who is full of love and mercy and and He gives perfect gifts. Psalm 139:13-14 pretty much sums up my sentiments. ‘For you created my inmost being,you knit me together in my mother’s womb.I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
