Archive | December 2018

Happy Christmas Eveโœ๏ธโ›ช๐ŸŽ

Today has been a beautiful day filled excitement. From the time we woke up there’s been one thing after another. Every year I tell myself I will not do with my shopping and yet again I found myself rushing to buy last minute staff. The first stop was at a Christian bookstore to buy a few gifts. I am one of those people that have to have a good look before buying and my husband bis the opposite as he just goes in,buys and exits ๐Ÿ˜€. Today it was handy having hubby do all the shopping with me as he ensured everything was done by 3pm.

My house is one where even the spider on the wall knows that Jesus is the reason for the season. With all that in mind I still like to make Christmas an exciting and beautiful time for the children. They enjoy the build up as much as the day itself. Children are only little for such a short period of time and it’s just nice to see their eyes and smiles full of joy. It’s a very meaningful day for all of us as we await Jesus birthday ๐ŸŽ‚

Christingle was amazing!

christingle - CopyI don’t know about you but for me, it feels like Christmas has come so quick this year. It feels just like last week we celebrated Christmas and here we are again. I think the weather might be to blame as it has not been particularly cold and another reason could be my busy schedule with my job,home and family. I am of course thankful for another Christmas but the speed of which it has come again has really taken me by surprise.

We have been taking part in lots of festive activities and last Sunday we attended our second Christingle. My children love it because they get to learn about the true meaning of Christmas in a very simple way. Of course they love that they get to light up the candle at the and and also they get to eat the sweets after. I love that my girls have a deep understanding of why we celebrate Christmas. They know that yes we get presents but the most important present ever given to man is Jesus Christ himselfย  amen.

It’s been a minute..

My title says it’s been a minute but actually i haven’t been on here for about 7 months. Last time i was here i shared my excitement about the royal wedding and i have been meaning to pick up where i left. The thing with blogging is pace, its a fast moving world and the longer you leave it the harder it gets. Well here i am just popping by to say a great big hello.

The Royal wedding was magnificent and of course many congratulations To Prince Harry and Meghan who are now both Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Oh, and another big congratulations on their baby news too.ย  My girls and i enjoyed watching the royal wedding on TV along with the rest of the world. We celebrated with cakes,tea and a summer picnic. The children were excited as we got to do some arts and crafts and of course i picked up these cute mugs with dogs to go with our celebrations.