Archive | April 2014

Check out this mother in Trinidad-Tobago beating her 12yrd old daughter. Oh my goodness

Spare the rod spoil the child so Proverbs13.24 says but to what extent? Check out this mum in Tobago-Trinidad beating her 12 years old daughter because she found nude pictures of her on Facebook plus text messages from a boy asking her for sex. I found this video too painful to watch as it was rather excessive even though i have experienced worse. Still i am not here to judge her because i am not in her home so each to their own. Do you discipline your children mothers? if yes how? We are still at the naughty corner stage and i send my daughter to the corner for 4 minutes as she has just turned 4. So far it works for us and it gives her time to think about what ever it is she has done wrong and apologise…But God forbid i ever find naughty pictures of her on-line i will probably find the biggest pounded yam stick and and chase after her lol

baby due dates….are they ever correct?

wombbbbbbI have laughed about this topics on many occasions with my friends. From the moment you miss your period and see your doctor to confirm pregnancy you are automatically lumbered with dates. Dates for screening,dates for scans,dates for gestational diabetes and the list goes on. The most important date however is the due date which according to health professionals is estimated from the first day of your last period. Pregnancy usually last up to 37-40 weeks so your health professional would give a date based on that. Not many woman know this but  i have just read on baby centre that sperm can the sperm can hang around in the fallopian tube until an attractive eggs pops interesting indeed so just because you do the deed on Monday it does not necessaries mean baby happened straight away so i think i now understand how due dates can be misleading. I have to emphasise that due dates are simply there as a guide to enable health professionals to offer better care to both mum and baby so that is quite reassuring.

I have had my own drama with due dates, with my first baby i was told she would be born on 14th march. I was also told that first babies never come .I started maternity leave on 1st March and  14th March came and went and there was no sign of my baby girl. And as days went by i started to look for signs of labour and there was no broken water, no gushing of anything. Nothing at all like what Hollywood has fed people for decades. I started to feel unwell with raised temperature and had strong contractions. I called the hospital and they kept telling me, ‘sorry you do not sound like your in labour’. This carried on for days until i eventually took my maternity bag and decided to go in regardless because by then i had not slept for almost 1 due to strong contractions. I am glad i went in because i was told i had severe urine infection and i was given antibiotics and kept in as i was already overdue and not in good shape. I was in a state of panic but i thank God my husband was there the whole time praying and also the lady from the Womb ministry called everyday to pray and assure me that it will all happen in God’s time! So my first baby girl was born on the 23rd March and not the 14th March.

My second baby was also overdue. Because of all the issues that went on with the first i was advised to go in for a sweep from 38 weeks. My score was very low and i was told to come back weekly for sweeps which was so uncomfortable and painful might i add…(wow the stuff us woman go through). Anyway i remembered what sister Ayo said about everything being in God’s time. God knitted that precious baby in my womb and in His appointed time the birth would take place. One Friday morning i woke up with strong urge to clean the house even though my husband insisted i sit on the sofa. I cleaned the house top to bottom and only sat down to eat in the evening when my sister in-law made some delicious beef stew with lots of scotch bonnet chilli. As soon i finished eating i turned around and said to my husband, ‘lets go (i know that chilli kicked started full labour lol)’. We were admitted and by the morning i was more than 5cm dilated and by Sunday at 2am my darling princess was born. She was due on the 3rd April but arrived on the 14th April.

If you are waiting for your little miracle please take heart. God is with you and as a believer you need to just immerse yourself with the word of God just the way your take your daily pregnancy multivitamins. I can assure you the Word will sustain you and your baby Amen!!


funny image by Richard Gunther from

Faith school or non faith school?

schoolsThe past 1 year or so i have had to make a very important decision regarding my daughter’s education. My darling just turned 4 and in September she will be starting reception so i have had the task of visiting various schools and researching on the Ofsted website. I have always had my heart set on 1 particular faith school. It is a church of England school as that is the closest to our pentecostal denomination. This school is so lovely their website even states, ‘we learn together,we pray together’. I was fully armed with 6 choices to make because it is so difficult for school places to come by and every all parents are required to choose 6 school and also highlight their first and second choice.

I prayed about all my choices as well as talking to other mums and dads about our local schools.  I prayed that God will give my daughter the best school for her, a school which will cater to her Christian faith.  When my daughter was 6 months old we dedicated her onto the Lord and our pastors emphasised the importance of training up a child (Proverbs 22.6) and so i am keen to uphold what we have been taught. I am not here to knock non faith schools because there are some brilliant no faith schools out there but i believe so it is important to choose what is good for your child and your family.

All the faith schools required a statement from our church which our kid’s pastor was happy to provide. We then had to indicate which church we go to and how often we attend. I suppose that is a good way for the schools check out the facts. Anyway to cut the long story short we received the results today and my princess was given her second choice…we were not given our first choice because that school is oversubscribed and also siblings get priority regardless of their faith (which kind of defeats the whole faith school objective). I hear overall many children did not get their first choice and hundreds of children were not even offered a place so we are grateful to God! I was a tad bit disappointed at first but then i remembered i did not make my decision on a whim and i actually prayed for God’s best and this is what He has done so glory be to Jesus!! So that is my experience for primary school application and here are a few tips for you to consider when your time comes:

*Visit the school for open days, do not just rely on the website because when you visit a place you often get a feeling..a knowing .

*Speak to other parents who may have children in that particular school

*Check out ofsted report ( )

*Pray pray pray because when you pray you hand over the whole process to God. God cares about all aspects of our lives including school applications for our children

*Ask your child what he/she thinks and what they want and do also take them with you to open days to see how they react to that environment.

Check out these cute dogs in Japan praying before eating! :)

We all know how challenging it can be to get your children to say grace at dinner and also to clean up after themselves. I was amazed to see these cute dogs on you tube praying at dinner time and helping clean up afterwards. That is so cute!! Just goes to show indeed that anybody and anything can praise the Lord because after all He created it all.