A brand new app for clueless new dads

BurtonThese days it seems wherever you go there is no escaping apps. There are apps for cooking,exercising,betting,maps,traveling and so on. There is now a new app on the market aimed at helping new fathers find their feet when a new born arrives and beyond. The app called quick tips for dads was created by Dave Burton from the UK who felt like he had no idea how to be a father when his first child was born 2 years ago. Mr Burton who is married and has since had another child said: ‘If I’m honest, I was absolutely terrified.‘When your baby is born, you suddenly feel a huge weight of responsibility and quickly realize that this tiny bundle of life is completely dependent on you.

The app features simple practical tips such as how to change a nappy,give the baby a bath and also other tips on how to take care of new mums. Think of this app as a mumsnet for dad. It does exactly what it says on the box and like mumsnet, fathers can use it as a platform to swap ideas.

If this app was created by the local council i would have felt insulted as i may have perceived it as another attempt to dumb down father’s roles in society by telling fathers what to do and how to do it however seeing as it was created by an individual i reckon its a brilliant idea as its bound to come in handy for some people.

Quicktips for dads is only available on iphone and it costs £1.50 ( roughly $2.50)

Above picture taken from DM is Mr Burton with his new baby son William.

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